jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

El núcleo del alma - el alma recordando a través de la experiencia de la vida en el amor emotiva primera parte

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We call it here on the earth as Unconditional Love....

Absoulute Love. It is the purest and simplest of Soul Rememberings we are gifted within this Life Experience here on this earth dimension. And yet, for so many souls, it is within our illusionary perception, appears to be the most difficult of all of the Soul Rememberings to treasure.

The questions can be asked then: What is this thing called Absoulute Love anyway? What is it that calls us to Absoulute Love? And why does Absoulute Love exist?

The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing or Spirit has shared with me during my own initiations into what we call here on this earth dimension as Spiritual Ascended Mastery or Spiritual Oneness, that Absoulute Love is free from any definition, as it just IS. In attempting to describe what IS as Absoulute Love, it IS an atmosphere or ambiance of the purest form of the Infinite resonance of feeling in Spiritual Oneness that there is. It is the ultimate experience and expression of Spiritual Oneness with LIFE and with Ah Ti or All That Is. It is the Ah! Or the Awe of Infinite Spiritual Oneness Bliss.

Absoulute Love, or as Spirit has gifted me with ~ Ab Soul ute Love is a feeling. It is the complete Soulful Love that we experience that is a feeling of soul fullness in love. As Spiritual Soul BEings in the Spiritual Universe, we are free from the experience of feeling as all is simply an all inclusive inner wisdom. This is one of the reasons then we choose to come to this earth dimension, to choose the experience of feeling. Absoulute Love is a feeling, a feeling that just is. Absoulute Love is a feeling free from e~motion. For as we remember that e~motion is energy~in~motion and that e~motions then that we call on this earth dimension such as anger, fear, doubt and such are simply The Ego Self of the Soul's way of using this energy~in~motion to move us, to inspire us to R.E.S.T. (Remember, Embrace, and Soulfully Treasure) a Soul Remembering Through Life Experience or what we call on this earth as a life lesson. Thus, e~motions are the energy~in~motion to shift us from The Ego Self of the Soul into a resonance of Spiritual Oneness and AbSOULute Love.

The Call to Absoulute Love

The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing shares that it is then once we have remembered, embraced, and treasured a Soul Remembering Through Life Experience and also embracing it and treasuring it through the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Forgiveness which gift us with Infinite gratitude, that we then return full infinite circle to the space of Absoulute Love for all, with all, and of all. Thus we are then treasuring the experience of the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Absoulute Love.

What is it though that calls us to this feeling of Absoulute Love? If, as The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing shares with us that Absoulute Love, IS an atmosphere or ambiance of the purest form of Infinite resonance of feeling in Spiritual Oneness that there is, that it is the ultimate experience of Spiritual Oneness with LIFE and with Ah Ti or with All That Is, that it is the Ah! Or the Awe of Infinite Spiritual Oneness Bliss, then what is it that calls us to this so deeply within the soul?

The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing reveals that what calls us to Absoulute Love is gratitude. What is gratitude? Have we really remembered within our soul what soulful gratitude really means on this earth dimension in this LIFE Experience? We have been "taught" that gratitude is to say "thank you" when we receive a birthday gift or a Christmas gift or anything we deem or another soul deems as a gift. Spirit shares that there have been some very well meaning souls in our lives that when we were children "taught" us this. Spirit reveals though, that this way of BEing in gratitude is "taught" rather than remembered within the soul, meaning that it comes from an Ego Self of the Soul perception of obligation, expectation, and forceableness rather than from the gratitude that comes from deep within the soul. The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing imparts the wisdom that gratitude is a FEELing that is free from BEing "taught", that gratitude is a FEELing we FEEL from deep within the soul. We are free from BEing able to "teach" gratitude.

When gratitude is coming from a sense of obligation, expectation, and forcibleness, that this form of gratitude resides within The Ego Self of the Soul's Axioms that were "taught" or forced upon us as a child to believe, such as when another soul gifts us with for example a birthday or holiday gift, that we "should" say thank you whether we really feel it from within the soul or not because it is the "right" thing to do. Likewise, when we gift another soul a gift then, we "expect" that we are to receive some form of gratitude from that soul in the way of a verbal thank you, or a thank you card, or a phone call etc. This then goes back to the Who We Believe We Are is what other souls think of me and of what I expect from other souls and what they expect from me.

Spirit shares then that this form of gratitude that resides within The Ego Self of the Soul is gratitude that is illusionarily disguised within The Ego Self of the Soul's Axioms of obligation, expectation, and of Who We Believe We Are is what other souls think of me and of what I expect from other souls and what they expect from me, which simply what is is that this is free from being gratitude at all, that it is what is, and what is is the illusionary Ego Self of the Soul's Axioms of obligation, expectation, and of Who We Believe We Are is what other souls think of me and of what I expect from other souls and what they expect from me, rather than gratitude felt from deep within the soul.

Spirit soliloquizes that gratitude that comes from the heart of the soul is the gratitude that one FEELS from within when gifted a gift from a soul, beit a birthday present, a Soul Remembering, a physical gift or spiritual gift or a gift in any of its infinite forms. gratitude from the heart of the soul as a whole, is when we merge The Ego Self of the Soul's Axioms of obligation, expectation, and forcibleness into the Soul as a Whole, into the resonance of FEELING the awe, the wonder, the delightment within when another has gifted us with a gift, in whatever and in whichever of the infinite forms that it comes from. gratitude's essence comes from the heart of Absoulute Love, the soulful love that we FEEL that comes over us like a wave from the ocean, which gifts us with a washing over FEELing of Absoulute Love and thankfulness for this soul and the gift that they have gifted to us. This is the gratitude of and in Absoulute Love that what we call here on this earth dimension as manners is based upon. This is the gratitude that the very well meaning souls who attempted to "teach" us through The Ego Self of the Soul's Axioms were gifting us in this earth dimension of duality with the opposite of so that we may remember that of the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Gratitude. This is the 'G' represented in the word gratitude in which this letter 'G' appears to look the number 6 and the number 6 is represented an infinite cosmic circle that emanates from the soul expressed within it infinite forms and of which we brought forth to our first Life Experience here on Lemuria. This is the gratitude that Spirit speaks of that we reside within in Lemuria that we are in this moment invited to bring forth from Lemuria and gift it here on this earth dimension.

It is a FEELing that comes from within, a feeling we just FEEL, free from needing to be forced or cajoled. And if we are choosing to be free from feeling this Absoulute Love and gratitude when another soul gifts us a gift, then it is simply a reminder to us to get back in touch with this Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in gratitude and in Absoulute Love ~ to remember, embrace, and treasure in Absoulute Love and gratitude from the heart and from the soul; two BEing as One as the heart of the soul the FEELing of awe, wonder, and delightment of another soul and the gifts that they gift to us. These are the manners then of Absoulute Love and gratitude of a FEELing that comes from within that we can gift and show other souls and to our children, two BEing as One as we are all the children of the Universe.

I was reminded of this Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in gratitude and Absoulute Love just recently when our oldest son Chris received a birthday card from his grandmama and grandpa. The card came just a couple of earth dimension days after his physical birthday and he had been free from calling in the obligatory sense of calling to say 'thank you' for the card and the gift of monetary abundance that he received. Aaron over the course of the next five earth dimensional days had made a point of saying in several moments to Chris how he "should" call to say thank you. Chris being free from coming into that space of Infinite gratitude and Absoulute Love for the gift received yet, free from FEELing this was choosing to be free from calling, as when he called he wished to do so free from a sense of obligation or expectation, but rather from FEELing it from within.

Intuitively I sensed this and I also sensed that Chris's hesitation came from the perception that he perceived that this gift and card that was gifted to him came from a sense of obligation from his grandparents maybe experiencing the "have to's" of having to gift him with something simply because it was his birthday rather than it being a gift of Absoulute Love from the heart of their souls because they love him. Some moments when we are residing within this resonance of The Ego Self of the Soul of doubt, we are then unable to perceive that a gift may be gifted to us simply from Absoulute Love, but that we believe that it is gifted out of obligation or expectation. Some moments a gift can be gifted to us for both reasons, two BEing as One, from a sense of obligation and expectation that someone somewhere said we are to gift a present on a birthday and from a sense of Absoulute Love and gratitude of the heart of the soul. However, in whatever manner it is gifted is free from being the key, it is within the FEELing of Absoulute Love and Infinite gratitude that we FEEL when it is gifted or when we FEEL it from within whenever that may be in earth dimensional time, that we can then FEEL from within the desire to thank another soul for the gift.

As such, Chris was free from coming into this resonance at that moment, and Aaron felt that he "should" be within this resonance immediately simply because he said so and because Chris should out of obligation and expectation because it is the "right" thing to do. Thus, Aaron had what we would call as a huge Ego Fit over the matter. So much so that I kindly made the request for him to go take a drive to cool off. Within his Ego Fit he said things much like I would say within who I was choosing to BE before I to resonate within, remember, embrace, and treasure Spirit's wisdom of things like "You (meaning me) are not teaching them manners! What kind of parent are you?!" and "I am so sick of this sh~~!" and "It is always this way with you" and "You are just so perfect and it is always me who is the "bad guy"!" and so on.

Later, I calmly shared with Aaron as I did so calmly during this Ego Fit he was choosing to experience, that his reaction was an Ego Self of the Soul anger in response to automatic conditioned programming that he had been "taught" about what gratitude means rather than FEELing gratitude within Absoulute Love from the heart of the soul. That he was free from really being angry with Chris or me for that matter but from choosing to be within an illusion of experiencing upset ness within BEing shifted into a resonance that his soul is already within the inner wisdom of but that is free from shining forth to him because of his choice to remain within the forgetfulness of the Ego Self of the Soul. That by merging The Ego Self of the Soul's anger into the tool that it is, for us to remember, embrace, and treasure The Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Absoulute Love and gratitude, that we Step Into Spiritual Oneness, we are then that Spiritual Oneness that comes to the inner wisdom that gratitude and Absoulute Love are felt from within the soul and when it is, it is then we can say the 'thank you' if we so choose as it then comes from Absoulute Love and gratitude rather than an Ego Self of the Soul expectation and obligation.

I even shared with him that I had sent his mom a Mother's Day card via email free from it being out of a sense of obligation or expectation, as he was unaware I had even done so, and that I did so from a resonance of Absoulute Love and gratitude to his mom for the gift that she is and for the gift that she gifts me with in each moment ~ that of the beautiful soul that she is and that of her son whom I Absoulutely Love so dearly. I sent this card free from ever expecting a 'thank you' or an obligatory card back or any expectation of illusionary recognition from Aaron, which was why I was free from saying anything. I sent this in Absoulute Love and gratitude free from expecting anything in return, which Spirit shares that when we gift another soul with a gift in any of its infinite forms that we choose to freely, free from expecting anything in return and free from expecting any form of recognition for gifting such a gift, as seeking recognition resides within The Ego Self of the Soul of an 'I am better than you are, look at me' resonance.

I was free from ever receiving that official obligatory 'thank you' from Aaron's mom and I was grateful for this as well because within Multi~Dimensional traveling (which Spirit shares the wisdom within the Spiritual Treasure Gift (Chapter) in Infinity of the "how" to Multi~Dimensionally travel so that we may be able to see free from The Ego Self of the Soul's have to's of having to see with the physical eyes something), seeing her smiling face as she read this card was all of the gratitude I desired. I was free from The Ego Self of the Soul's need to 'have to' see physically her appreciation and gratitude for this gift, for I experience within me the inner knowing and inner wisdom that within her soul that she is grateful for the gift that I gifted her. This Soul Remembering, the gifting of this card to Aaron's mom, and the event that was occurring within our home that earth dimensional evening in and of itself is a gift, with the wisdom that I was bringing forth to Aaron, to Chris, to Matthew, to Anthony, and to all in this moment who are reading this is free from about me being "better than" Aaron, our children, or any other soul. It comes from the inner wisdom of the soul that we all share, that is being brought forth from Spirit through me for all to share in delightment, wonder, awe, Absoulute Love and gratitude if we so choose to .

Within this event occurring, I was also reminded too of Bubbe (Aaron's grandmother) whom while she was physically here on this earth dimension within physical presence would always say that if the kids, as she called our children, were free from wishing to come over and gift her a hug or a kiss or a thank you that this was ok as she understood as she would say 'I do not want them to feel obligated, I want them to come over because they want to, not because I want them to or anyone else wants them to. Just seeing them, seeing their faces light up, that they are happy and enjoying life when I give them a gift or when they are in my presence is all I desire to see to know that they are happy and that they enjoy the gift and enjoy life".

I also shared with Aaron Spirit's wisdom that we are free from being able to force another soul to FEEL within them Absoulute Love and gratitude, or something from within them that they are choosing to be free from feeling. That if and when they so choose to feel this from within them, that so they shall. It is free from being up to us to force or cajole this as this creates the illusion of taking away a soul's Divine Free Choice, and that we are free from ever 'taking away' another's Divine Free Choice unless they choose unconsciously or consciously to gift it to us. And that in this case, since Chris was choosing to be free from gifting this to Aaron, that it is within Chris's choice when he so chooses to feel this and if he so chooses to feel this then he shall. That I am free from 'having to' "teach" him anything, that manners are designed to remind us of what it within our soul. And by modeling this FEELing of Absoulute Love and gratitude when Aaron or I receives a gift and also letting them know of Spirit's wisdom is all Aaron or I can or any one soul can do or BE for another soul to share what Absoulute Love and gratitude FEELS like.

However, it is up to Chris, as well as, up to all souls to choose to FEEL this, all we can do and BE is modeling this for another soul. And if another soul chooses to be free from remembering, embracing, and treasuring this, that I nor Aaron nor any one soul can force another soul to do or be so. And that if our children choose to be free from feeling this within or anything within their soul; that it is free from being a reflection of who we are choosing to BE as a Spiritual Soul BEing. It is a reflection of that if we are choosing to be within The Ego Self of the Soul's e~motions of upset or angry over these illusionary axioms of expectation and obligation that it is then a reflective reminder invitation to us from Spirit to go within to see what it is that we are free from being thankful for in the moment within our own LIFE and to choose to be in gratitude for.

The inner wisdom from Spirit is that they invite us to begin this infinite circular cycle of gratitude by taking a moment to BE thankful for everything in our LIFE (Living Infinitely From Experience): from the blade of grass....... to the seed and the earth dimensional dirt that created that blade of grass....... to the water that refreshes that blade of grass ....... to the sun that helps that grass to grow....... to the soul whom mows that blade of grass....... to the lawn mower that assists that soul to mow that blade of grass....... to the nuts and bolts that go into creating that lawn mower so that the a soul can mow the grass....... to the souls whom make those nuts and bolts....... And so forth. Spirit invites us to view all of LIFE, every detail, even what we deem here as the illusion of "bad" things in gratitude. For The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing says that even within the of illusion of something that is perceived within this earth dimension perception of duality as "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong", there is gratitude, as events are just as all things are rememberings ~ Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience that we are being invited to remember, embrace, and treasure while we are here on this earth dimension; Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience that we chose to come here to learn before we incarnated on this earth dimension.

We have all met souls who have had a profound effect on our LIFE. Meeting them has transformed us in some way. These souls have in some way assisted us to develop some potentials of awareness or potentials of consciousness. Think of a soul who has been this for you. Do you still feel gratitude? What you have been gifted with continues to be a creative gifting force within our lives as long as we choose to experience it as a continued sense of gratitude and an Absoulutely loving response to it. This keeps it active, this keeps it alive. Therefore Absoulute Love and gratitude are free from being "only" a momentary thing that we do when we are gifted a birthday present or anything. gratitude and Absoulute Love are infinite and ever present which is what creates it as such a gift! Hence we can be and are within Infinite gratitude and Absoulute Love infinitely as an ever constant present or presence.

Falling in Absoulute Love, whether it be with another soul as a friend or a romantic relationship, or whether it is the falling in Absoulute Love with a flower or a tree or anything and everything ~ falling in Absoulute Love is a remembering of what it FEELS like to BE that very Spiritual Soul BEing expressed within the infinite form of the very thing we are in Absoulute Love with. Spirit shares that we may be free from BEing consciously aware of this, but this is what it means to fall in Absoulute Love, to fall 'in love' as we call it. Thus, we are infinitely falling in Absoulute Love continuously, instantaneously, and simultaneously with All That Is expressed within its infinite forms of another Spiritual Soul BEings in physical form, a dog, a chair, a show or movie we watch, anything and everything, even our soul! Falling in Absoulute Love with our soul is free from resonating within an Ego Self of the Soul resonance of conceit. Falling in Absoulute Love with our soul is just as Absoulute Love IS ~ it IS an atmosphere or ambiance of the purest form of the Infinite resonance of feeling in Spiritual Oneness that there is. It is the ultimate experience and expression of Spiritual Oneness with LIFE and with Ah Ti or All That Is. It is the Ah! Or the Awe of Infinite Spiritual Oneness Bliss and of experiencing this within our soul.

Spirit conveys that once we are consciously aware of and participate consciously within FEELing (which is where the FUN or FEELing Universal kNowledge emanates from) this resonance of Absoulute Love, then it is natural to BE within Infinite gratitude and Absoulute Love in All, for All, of All and with All, and to see all of the Absoulute Love and gratitude that is already in our LIFE, as we are Absoulute Love and gratitude infinitely and Absoulute Love and gratitude is us infinitely, two BEing as One. It is this resonance of gratitude that calls us to Absoulute Love and that Absoulute Love calls us to gratitude within an infinite cosmic circle of The Universal Source of All That Is. The Infinitely Spiritual Light BEing asks ~ When the Absoulute Love through gratitude phone rings though, will we answer the call?

More to come in Part Two of this series

Dr. Patti "Diamondlady" Diamond, DD, is a universally celebrated author, speaker, and spiritual mentor within the resonance of Spiritual Oneness. She is currently the author of two books, "Life Long Learning ~ Transforming Learning; Discovering Learning Through Living Life in Unlimitless Possibilities" and "Stepping Into Spiritual Oneness ~ Spiritual Rememberings of the Soul Through Life Experience"; and has appeared on various radio shows and within articles of international publications. She is a Spiritual Medium, Visionary, and has been gifted by Spirit as an Ascended Master. As a clear conduit of the Divine, Patti channels the wisdom of Spirit within Multi~Dimensional ways to inspire each soul to develop their own inner voice of the soul of who they are and brings the gifts of Infinite Healing, AbSOULute Love or Soulful Love, Light, and Peace to all whom she inspires. Dr. Patti "Diamondlady" Diamond, DD is the Director of The Diamondlight International Spiritual Oneness Center and also creator of the OneSoul REALationship Series. For more information about her please visit her website at http://www.diamondlady.net

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